ARRL Southwestern Division

Los Angeles
San Diego
Santa Barbara
Division Info
Appointments / Volunteers
QSL Bureaus
QSL Card Check
Repeater Coordinators
Area Councils
Special Service Clubs
 Toll Free Numbers
Antenna Happenings
Electronic Services
Division Leadership History


Dick Norton


Dick Norton, N6AA
21290 West Hillside Drive
Topanga, CA 90290

Vice Director

Ned Stearns, AA7A
7038 E Aster Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85254-5327

Section Managers

Arizona Section

State of Arizona

Richard A Paquette, W7RAP
1600 W Sunkist Rd
Tucson, AZ 85755-9561


Main Webpage:
See also

Los Angeles Section


Los Angeles County

Diana J, Feinberg, AI6DF
PO Box 4678
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274-9618


Main Webpage:
See also

Orange Section

Inyo, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties

Robert L Turner, W6RHK
PO Box 973
Perris, CA 92572


Main Webpage:
See also

San Diego Section

Imperial &  San Diego Counties

Bruce Kripton, AG6X
5755 Castleton Dr
San Diego, CA 92117


Main Webpage:
See also

Santa Barbara Section

San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, & Ventura Counties

John Kitchens, NS6X
PO Box 178
Somis, CA 93066-0178


Main Webpage:
See also:

Legislative Action Program

The ARRL maintains a Legislative Action Program for ARRL members to promote and protect Amateur Radio through coordinated, legitimate political action at the Federal government level.

  • Mel Hughes K6SY - ARRL SWD Legislative Action Coordinator
  • Dick Zalewski W7ZR - ARRL SWD Legislative Action Coordinator

Electronic Services

The ARRL Website ( is the beginning of many sources of ham services. All kinds of information is available: membership recruitment/benefits, leadership, representation, catalog/publications, upcoming events, youth support, PR, government relations, call sign lookup, technical help, clubs, testing, contest/award programs, Field Organization. educational activities. regulations. QSL bureaus. personal/ club insurance, licensing help (here and abroad), band plans, ARRL Foundation, etc. On the home page you will find a weekly survey. Many services can be found via the index or search engine including links to other related sites such as the FCC. For example, forms necessary for many of the various programs can be found this way on the League's Website.

The ARRL Website has news and feature articles that you won't find anywhere else. Also, there is a product review archive where you can obtain QST product reviews from as far back as 1980 as well as a search engine of QST/QEX indexes. There is a special member data page where you can review and update your QST mailing address. This is the place to go to have W1AW bulletins and The ARRL Letter sent to you directly by e-mail. Finally, you can obtain a forwarding e-mail address (<callsign>@ These services are free for League members. Also, members can now vote for their favorite monthly QST article (Cover Plaque Award).

Ham Audio Services

The weekly ARRL Audio News service is available via . You can subscribe to the podcast via your IOS or Android mobile device using your favorite podcast app, or listen and download episodes direct from the Audio News page at Blubrry.

Another audio source of ham news is Newsline ( ), originally produced locally by producer/editor Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF (SK).

Antenna Happenings

Many of the cities in our Division have been busy changing or adding to their antenna regulations to address the growth in cellular base towers. The impact to existing Amateur Radio antenna regulations varies from none to substantial. Although your ARRL headquarters staff or Division representatives have general information and expertise, it's always best to check with City Hall regarding current antenna regulations in your city. Contact the City Clerk's office, or check your city's Website. An increasing number of cities (and counties) are posting their zoning codes on the Web in a searchable format.

QSL Bureaus

Sixth District QSL Bureau

P.O. Box 7488
Stockton, CA., 95267-0488

Comments or questions on this bureau's operation may be directed to

See the W6 Bureau home page

Seventh District QSL Bureau

Willamette Valley DX Club Inc.
POB 555
Portland, OR 97207-0555 

DX Century Club Card Checking

There is a new enhanced DXCC Card Checker program that will save you the necessity of mafling QSL cards to ARRL HQ but now only one local checker will be needed. Under the new program, DXCC Card Checkers will be able to check cards for all DXCC awards (except 160 meters), and all QSLs from any current DXCC Entity (for contacts less than ten years old). This will apply to both new awards and endorsements.

ARRL checkers are appointed by the DXCC desk at HQ from nominations by Section Managers and ARRL-affiliated DX specialty clubs with at least 25 members. Currently, only one checker is appointed for each of the above. The current DXCC Card Checkers in or involved with the SW Division are:

For more information on the DXCC program, including forms and rules, see the ARRL Web site ( 

Repeater Coordinators

Local areas have long-established coordination bodies that volunteer their time and effort. In Arizona,

In Southern California, there are three groups:

Amateur Radio Councils

Local clubs form councils in order to better coordinate and promote activities important to the ham community. There are councils in the following Sections within the Division.

  • Amateur Radio Council of Arizona (ARCA).
  • Los Angeles Area Council of Amateur Radio Clubs (LAACARC).
  • San Diego County Amateur Radio Council (SANDARC).

  • ARRL Southwestern Division Special Service Clubs (SSC)

    These clubs have gone through a screening process above and beyond other ARRL-affiliated clubs. They are expected to provide local public relations, emergency communications, training, technical advancement and other activities that further the goals of the Amateur Radio Service. Many SSCs have Award Managers who can check cards for some of the ARRL operating awards. The following are our Special Service Clubs :

    Arizona Section

    Green Valley - Green Valley ARC
    Prescott - Yavapai ARC
    Sierra Vista - Cochise ARA
    Tucson - Catalina Radio Club
    Tucson - Radio Society of Tucson

    Los Angeles Section

    Downey - Downey ARC
    Long Beach - ARA Of Long Beach Inc.
    Northridge - San Fernando Valley ARC
    Torrance - South Bay ARC

    Orange Section

    Mission Viejo - South Orange ARA
    San Bernardino - Citrus Belt ARC

    San Diego Section

    El Cajon - ARC of El Cajon

    Santa Barbara Section

    Santa Barbara - Santa Barbara ARC
    Thousand Oaks - Conejo Valley ARC, Inc.

    Helpful Toll-Free Numbers

    • To renew ARRL membership and order ARRL publications or find a dealer near you, call ARRL HQ at 888-277-5289.

    • To find a ham club, classes or testing, in your local area call 800-32NEWHAM.

    • After you upgrade, consider becoming an ARRL Volunteer Examiner. For information on VE certification, call 800-9ARRLVEC.

    • To get information on the ARRL Insurance Plans (personal equipment or club liability), contact Risk Strategies at

    • For information directly from the FCC regarding licensing, call the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Consumer Assistance staff at 888-CALLFCC.