ARRL Board Political Disqualification, Code of Conduct, and Censure Activity

Board Action - ARRL BOD Minutes of 2017 Second Meeting (July) - Item 17 (second paragraph)

At 4:28 PM Mr. Frenaye moved, seconded by Mr. Norris, that the Board resolve into a Committee of the Whole, with Directors and Officers remaining in the room. A roll call vote being requested, the motion PASSED with Messers Abernethy, Carlson, Olson, Norris, Williams, Lisenco, Blocksome, Frenaye, Pace, Vallio, Boehner, Allen, Sarratt, and Woolweaver voting AYE and Mr. Norton voting NO. The Committee of the Whole rose at 5:50 PM. On the motion of Mr. Abernethy, seconded by Dr. Boehner, the report of the Committee of the Whole was ADOPTED.

Note that Mr. Norton voted NO, desiring that the proceedings be open and as transparent as possible, and therefore to be observed by the Vice Directors as well as the Directors and Officers. [This comment was not part of the minutes, but has been added for clarity.]
