W2ORA is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 607.
K6LA is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 803.
W5VW is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1785.
K9OWC is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1832.
KG7IL is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2012.
WA4NWO is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2095.

There were 6 dupes found.  You might have marked these dupes.  For electronic
logs, all dupes (marked or unmarked) are treated the same with no penalties.

2100-0558 =  538
0628-0810 =  102
1240-0159 =  799
  On time = 1439 minutes (max of 1440).

NY3K is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: W1RD W3DWJ

WP4O/W4 is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: W2JD

KA0JAC is a busted call.  The correct call is KA9JAC.

K8KGW is a busted call.  The correct call is K8ZGW.

NO9D is a busted call.  The correct call is NO0D.

W9AG is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: KB9AG

K4DTI is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 156.
Calls with same check/section: AA4KD WA0DYJ W2YE W0YVA N4RV

KD2EZ is a busted call.  The correct call is KD3EZ.

WA6LEW is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: WB6VIC

K9REP is a busted call.  The correct call is N9REP.

WA3ZJJ is a busted call.  The correct call is WA4ZJJ.

K9YSU is a busted call.  The correct call is K8YSU.

N3YEA is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: K3MI N3RSS N3XUK N3UE

W0SM is a busted call.  The correct call is W0SV.

KA1JSJ is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

K7IE is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 119.
Calls with same check/section: K4XU N7AG

W6BDJ is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 50.
Calls with same check/section: KG6BDJ K6BMD AK6DV K6GU

KA9HHH is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: KM9M W9TUD WD9HSY N9GH K9HY KO2R

KA3SMS is a busted call.  The correct call is KA3SMF.

KB4WOR is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: NJ4Z K4EZS KA4BNI

W9DLA is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: N9DR KB9MIC KB9ORH

N1OXF is a busted call.  The correct call is N1OEF.

WA4TLC is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: W4FOT

VE6HP is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

KG4DRW is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: KG4CNZ K4DOJ

K6EKH is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 13.
Calls with same check/section: KQ6MW K6MP KE6EKH KO6CB N6UB

KA2JMR is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: WB3AXP

N9KA is a busted call.  The correct call is N9KAH.

N0PF is a busted call.  The correct call is N0PPF.

W1KQ is a busted call.  The correct call is W1QK.

KB9NZV is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

WD8OFG is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: K8LN KF8IY N8BJQ

K6CZ is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: N6XJG KB6QXR N6XTT

KE4VDT is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: KE6ZXU

KC5OLC is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: K4NR N5TW KK5UG KM5VI KM5JH

KF2LU is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: KC2TR

W6EN is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 59.
Calls with same check/section: KA6MAL W6ZZZ KG6DEX W6EI AD6MT

K6RUG is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 30.
Calls with same check/section: W6ZIP KN6QK AC6RM

WB7NXH is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 136.
Calls with same check/section: NF7E W6JE

K6RJO is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

N3AVT is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: KB3HFI WB3IZF KU3X KN3V WB3HVT WB3JWU K3PP

K9IU is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 9.
Calls with same check/section: KF9NP KA9ORN KA9OKT

K9LYN is a busted call.  The correct call is W9LYN.

N8ERM is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 104.
Calls with same check/section: WB8YZH K8OT

KB1FGI is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 4.
Calls with same check/section: K1VUT WA1SYH K1SHH K1CL

N2JBA is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 115.
Calls with same check/section: N2KAD

K4CB is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

You had 47 calls in your log which were not found in the database of good
callsigns.  14 of them have been judged to be incorrect.  These will be
removed from your score - along with an additional penalty of one QSO per
per busted callsign.
Unique percentage =  1.6

QSO #36 VA6RC : B 90 Ab should be A 90 Ab
QSO #340 W9WJ : A 69 Il should be A 63 Il
QSO #564 N5RXF : A 90 Ok should be B 90 Ok
QSO #579 KD4NJN : A 91 Sc should be A 92 Sc
QSO #1135 W7EJ : A 70 Ut should be A 70 Or
QSO #1424 KA8PGW : A 80 Ep should be A 81 Ep
QSO #1782 AA1TT : A 86 Nh should be A 85 Nh

97.0% of your non dupe QSOs had their exchanges checked.

There were 7 exchange errors found.  These QSOs will be removed from your
score with no penalties.

QSO #126: Received QSO# 25 should be 23 KG0ED
QSO #185: Received QSO# 1 should be 19 KB1GTB
QSO #325: Received QSO# 63 should be 61 VE2MAB
QSO #819: Received QSO# 26 should be 126 N7WVZ
QSO #1026: QSO not found in log of AH6P
QSO #1646: Received QSO# 25 should be 215 KC1SQ
QSO #1967: Received QSO# 70 should be 72 K8VUS
QSO #2027: Received QSO# 294 should be 204 K5MJE

51.5% of your remaining good QSOs were cross checked.

There were 8 bad cross check QSOs removed.
You had one not-in-log.  There will be a penalty of one QSO for this.

List of 80 mults = Mo ENy Wcf Il Oh Nh Org Scv Mn WWa Tn Va SFl Ne On Sjv Mdc
Id Ok Ep NLi In Wi Nc Ga Mt Ky Ut Qc Ri Eb Mi Or Sb Sf Ct Wy De Sd Em Sv WNy
Co Ak Lax Wv WMa WPa NNj Ew Az Ia STx Al WTx NTx Mar Nd Ks NNy Ar SNj Vt La
Me Nm NFl Nl Ms Bc Ab Sc Nv Sdg Nwt Sk Pac Mb Pr Vi

    Raw QSOs = 2121
Time Expired = 0
       Dupes = 6
 Busted QSOs = 29
  Valid QSOs = 2086    0   21  108 1182  242  518
Penalty QSOs = 15
  QSO Points = 4142
  Multiplier = 80
 Final score = 331360
  Error rate =  1.4% (100 X (Busted QSOs / Duped QSO total))

The following information shows contacts you made that were removed from the
other station's log.  These are not deducted from your score.  They are listed
for your information only.

N4PN: QSO #836 K5TR : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
K3DI: K5TR is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 173.
NP2B: QSO #1093 K5TR : M 76 STx should be B 76 STx
W6XK: QSO #833 K5TR : B 70 STx should be B 76 STx
K2NNY: QSO #854 K5TR : B 78 STx should be B 76 STx
W0AIH: QSO #550 K5TR : B 75 STx should be B 76 STx
K6RB: QSO #889: Received QSO# 1592 should be 1502 K5TR
VE5CPU: QSO #773 K5TR : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
W5ASP: K6TR is a busted call.  The correct call is K5TR.
W8RC: QSO #777 K5TR : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
VE7IN: QSO #541: Received QSO# 1115 should be 1150 K5TR
W0MW: QSO #327 K5TR : B 70 STx should be B 76 STx
N2QT: QSO #157: Received QSO# 574 should be 547 K5TR
WB4OMM: QSO #527: Received QSO# 136 should be 1368 K5TR
NT8V: QSO #225 K5TR : B 73 STx should be B 76 STx
K0COM: QSO #620: Received QSO# 135 should be 1335 K5TR
K6PUD: QSO #700 K5TR : U 76 STx should be B 76 STx
AD4L: QSO #182 K5TR : B 65 STx should be B 76 STx
NT6K: QSO #409 K5TR : B 78 STx should be B 76 STx
AI3M: QSO #235: Received QSO# 824 should be 874 K5TR
W1WEF: K6TR is a busted call.  The correct call is K5TR.
W0YC: QSO #395: Received QSO# 149 should be 1494 K5TR
W6PRB: QSO #138 K5TR : B 76 WTx should be B 76 STx
K0MPH: QSO #51 K5TR : B 78 STx should be B 76 STx
AC5SU: QSO #338: Received QSO# 663 should be 1663 K5TR
AD0W: QSO #23 K5TR : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
WX1O: QSO #239: Received QSO# 115 should be 1153 K5TR
N7WVZ: QSO #126 K5TR : B 76 NTx should be B 76 STx
K3GV: QSO #55 K5TR : B 75 STx should be B 76 STx
N3ZZ: QSO #136: Received QSO# 845 should be 854 K5TR
K5EEE: QSO #3 K5TR : M 89 Ep should be B 76 STx
W1NRG: QSO #258: Received QSO# 1637 should be 1634 K5TR
W4YE: QSO #37 K5TR : B 78 STx should be B 76 STx
NE4S: QSO #267 K5TR : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
K6SG: QSO #11 K5TR : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
KU7K: W5TR is a busted call.  The correct call is K5TR.
AB1BX: QSO #168 K5TR : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
W7ZMD: QSO #21 K5TR : B 72 STx should be B 76 STx
KF9KP: QSO #69 K5TR : B 85 STx should be B 76 STx
W8DYY: QSO #104 K5TR : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
K1JE: QSO #3 K5TR : B 78 STx should be B 76 STx
W3RJM: QSO #80 K5TR : B 75 STx should be B 76 STx
KI6IV: QSO #106 K5TR : B 75 STx should be B 76 STx
W6MOT: QSO #71 K5TR : B 79 STx should be B 76 STx
KD5JAA: QSO #125: Received QSO# 1279 should be 1297 K5TR
N6ZO: QSO #11 K5TR : B 76 WTx should be B 76 STx
NA3J: W5TR is a busted call.  The correct call is K5TR.
N0LGU: QSO #71: Received QSO# 1174 should be 1171 K5TR
W8KQ: QSO #144 K5TR : M 67 STx should be B 76 STx
N3ZNU: QSO #94 K5TR : B 76 WTx should be B 76 STx
W0CBH: QSO #57 K5TR : M 76 STx should be B 76 STx
KA3SMF: QSO #78 K5TR : M 76 STx should be B 76 STx
N7TL: QSO #76 K5TR : B 73 STx should be B 76 STx
K4FB: QSO #32 K5TR : B 76 NTx should be B 76 STx
WB2BXO: QSO #36 K5TR : B 76 NTx should be B 76 STx
N2WM: K5TR is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 58.
W7YS: QSO #4 K5TR : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
KR4KF: QSO #57 K5TR : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
KS4JB: QSO #26 K5TR : B 71 STx should be B 76 STx
WA2IAU: QSO #7 K5TR : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx

Number busts found in other logs = 60 (2.9%)