KE4VA is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 26.
WT9Q is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 455.
KE4VA is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 558.
VA3IX is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 631.
AF4MO is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 644.
W6TKV is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 683.
KB8STP is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 740.
KG7H is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 816.
WA6RYA is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1059.
KJ6RA is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1098.
KB9TWU is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1102.
W4DHE is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1168.
K1HTN is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1222.
K2XR is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1234.
WB6ZYD is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1387.
WB2BAU is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1471.
KF3BN is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1539.
W1XV is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1630.
W4IMF is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1846.
KC0GL is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1865.
K0HT is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1888.
KC8MPQ is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1932.
KB9ORH is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 1967.
W9WJ is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2043.
KF3DJ is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2078.
K4NC is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2100.
KC9IL is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2108.
W6ECE is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2126.
W6WS is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2155.
W7HS is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2167.
AD6CW is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2172.
KD7LJ is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2180.
KG7WZ is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2189.
K6ST is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 2210.

There were 34 dupes found.  You might have marked these dupes.  For electronic
logs, all dupes (marked or unmarked) are treated the same with no penalties.

2101-0559 =  538
0631-0744 =   73
1203-1259 =   56
1331-2038 =  427
2122-0259 =  338
  On time = 1432 minutes (max of 1440).

VE3EWJ is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 5.
Calls with same check/section: VE3CXT

W2NAF is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: WV2V

AA9SJ is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: KF9YR W9LR N9XRO

KB7UNW is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: AA7YA

AF4FO is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: KC2CKX

N5TW is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: KM5VI KC5WCC

W0CBV is a busted call.  The correct call is N0CBV.

KJ5CX is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 4.
Calls with same check/section: KJ5CI

KD7WY is a busted call.  The correct call is KB7WY.

K0NSA is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

KD6JIE is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: KN6PF

N1NB is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 5.
Calls with same check/section: N1SNB N1SMB KE4RXW

N7KOA is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 4.

N9MR is a busted call.  The correct call is N8MR.

KP4DRB is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: WP4LJG WP4LNY KP4WK

KB3EKC is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

WA1OBD is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: K1EP NF1A

N2HVR is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: WU2L

WA2IXP is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: WA3JMV

WA1TLX is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: K1IR

WB1HAE is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

K1GSE is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: KR1H

WD4ASI is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: WR4I N4HCP W4BIX

KB8RIY is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: N8HR KC8MCX KC8MGC AB8IS KC8LHQ

KC2EXO is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.

WA4DIA is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

NT0CQ is a busted call.  The correct call is NE0CQ.

N1DJ is a busted call.  The correct call is N1DS.

W2JRM is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: KC2FXV K2SMH

KB2KIX is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: KZ2A WA2QBJ

N2PML is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: AD2P KB2NNO WW2QQ

WA1TSW is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 12.
Calls with same check/section: K1RFD

WB3IAB is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.

KA3YLH is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.

K3ZMJ is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: WF3M AK3V K3MD K3YTR

K3LR is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: WA3SES WN3VAW

AB5EU is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

WW1CK is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: N1SSM N1SPZ

VE3AFV is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 10.
Calls with same check/section: VA3ORI VE3VNE VE3UZL

KB2YEE is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

KU4FX is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 71.
Calls with same check/section: KK4LH N1KFC W2BO K4BKG

W2MZ is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: K2PLF K3TM W3ERU W3IUU

N6GK is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: K3KOA

W4DZ is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 14.
Calls with same check/section: W4PWF WB4J

N6QHO is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.

N2ZKX is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: K2UG KG2DB KF2SC N2UZQ N2YQZ KG2MS

W3IY is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: W9GE W3IO K4QU

N4ASX is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: AE4JF N1QEQ

N9SNM is a busted call.  The correct call is N8SNM.

KF2TZ is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: KE4VA WM3T KU4FP KF4MFQ KF4JAA AB7TA AE4B KF4MBC

K5LHO is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 3.

W6DW is a busted call.  The correct call is N6DW.

AD4NH is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: K4PK KU4JH AF4FG WA4SEX

K5TSQ is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: W5VX K5WNO W5UFA K5YQF W5AK K5NU W6WF

WA2OKG is a busted call.  The correct call is WA2OCG.

AC5IU is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: N6ZZ

WD9DJP is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: N9RV WA8ZAZ

VE3CFK is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: VE3RZ

KB2AMN is a busted call.  The correct call is KB2AMY.

W8SSU is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 5.
Calls with same check/section: W8LLY W8SKU

N0ALK is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: KR0B

N5PCE is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 105.
Calls with same check/section: KB8GDF

N8OCY is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: W3GEG N8UBK

W0MN is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 2.
Calls with same check/section: K0JA

W0SER is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

K3EVB is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.
Calls with same check/section: AC1J

W0QOS is a unique call.  Received QSO# = 1.

You had 67 calls in your log which were not found in the database of good
callsigns.  9 of them have been judged to be incorrect.  These will be
removed from your score - along with an additional penalty of one QSO per
per busted callsign.
Unique percentage =  2.6

QSO #12 N3WK : Q 92 Mdc should be A 92 Mdc
QSO #25 KJ9C : B 62 Il should be B 62 In
QSO #84 WB6BXP : A 74 Lax should be A 70 Lax
QSO #129 KM3T : A 80 Em should be A 80 WMa
QSO #302 W1TO : U 56 WWa should be U 56 WMa
QSO #351 AD4IE : A 92 In should be A 92 Nc
QSO #612 W9HLY : A 49 Il should be A 49 In
QSO #691 WA1VKO : M 64 Nh should be M 74 Nh
QSO #787 AD6G : A 79 Sf should be A 97 Sf
QSO #824 K4GDG : A 38 Tn should be B 38 Tn
QSO #842 KK1L : B 93 Va should be B 93 Vt
QSO #879 W6QJI : B 37 WWa should be A 37 WWa
QSO #1175 KJ3R : A 60 Ep should be A 68 Ep
QSO #1265 W5UFA : A 59 STx should be B 59 STx
QSO #1371 WN3VAW : A 72 Ep should be A 72 WPa
QSO #1926 W7ZR : B 57 Az should be B 54 Az
QSO #1953 W7IHI : A 58 Il should be A 58 In
QSO #1958 WA0VQY : A 60 Ia should be A 68 Ia
QSO #2080 AA8KR : M 93 Mi should be M 92 Mi
QSO #2132 N9VVV : U 92 Il should be U 93 Il

98.4% of your non dupe QSOs had their exchanges checked.

There were 20 exchange errors found.  These QSOs will be removed from your
score with no penalties.

QSO #202: Received QSO# 145 should be 148 N6RO
QSO #574: Received QSO# 46 should be 16 KF9YR
QSO #614: Received QSO# 202 should be 20 K8EI
QSO #735: Received QSO# 13 should be 23 N9KT
QSO #1068: Received QSO# 159 should be 169 KI0II
QSO #1085: Received QSO# 581 should be 531 WQ5W
QSO #1179: Received QSO# 190 should be 193 KA2D
QSO #1191: Received QSO# 54 should be 254 N9NT
QSO #1425: Received QSO# 122 should be 1022 KR6RF
QSO #1745: Received QSO# 229 should be 223 NR7RR
QSO #1796: Received QSO# 348 should be 346 K0BUD
QSO #1919: Received QSO# 77 should be 277 NX1Q

46.1% of your remaining good QSOs were cross checked.

There were 12 bad cross check QSOs removed.

List of 80 mults = Va NNj On WMa Ep ENy Org Wv Em In WPa Ga Il Ut Bc Oh Lax
Mi Nh STx Wi Nc Mdc Tn Or Ia WWa SFl Mn Mt Nv Eb WcF WNy Id Mar Me Az Ak Ky
De Nd Sdg Sc Scv NTx Mo NNy Ct Sf Ew Ar Qc La Sd SNj NLi Wy Nm Sjv Vt Ri Ok
WTx Co NFl Sb Ms Al Ne Nl Ks Vi Sv Mb Sk Ab Pac Nwt Pr

    Raw QSOs = 2213
Time Expired = 0
       Dupes = 34
 Busted QSOs = 41
  Valid QSOs = 2138
Penalty QSOs = 9
  QSO Points = 4258
  Multiplier = 80
 Final score = 340640
  Error rate =  1.9% (100 X (Busted QSOs / Duped QSO total))

The following information shows contacts you made that were removed from the
other station's log.  These are not deducted from your score.  They are listed
for your information only.

K6KM: QSO #1359: Received QSO# 1825 should be 1835 W5KFT
K2XR: W5NFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
K9GX: QSO #828 W5KFT : B 74 STx should be B 76 STx
KG7H: K5KFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
KG7H: QSO #308 W5KFT : B 76 NTx should be B 76 STx
N3KW: QSO #309 W5KFT : B 78 STx should be B 76 STx
N6XTT: QSO #350 W5KFT : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
N0GVK: W5KFG is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
N0GVK: QSO #327: Received QSO# 996 should be 681 W5KFT
K9QT: QSO #142 W5KFT : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
NU8Z: QSO #90: Received QSO# 243 should be 234 W5KFT
K1PY: QSO #152 W5KFT : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
WT9Q: K5KFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
AA2MU: QSO #318 W5KFT : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
K1DQV: K5KFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
WT9U: QSO #403: Received QSO# 1109 should be 1107 W5KFT
N0AX: QSO #503 W5KFT : M 76 STx should be B 76 STx
N1NQD: QSO #143 W5KFT : B 76 NTx should be B 76 STx
KE4VA: K5KFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
K0BUD: QSO #296 W5KFT : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
KF4VMT: W5KFT is a dupe or invalid - QSO # 35.
KF9YR: QSO #16 W5KFT : B 75 STx should be B 76 STx
N6ZB: QSO #270 W5KFT : B 76 NTx should be B 76 STx
KL7WP: QSO #46 W5KFT : B 73 STx should be B 76 STx
W3AP: QSO #218 W5KFT : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
KU9Z: QSO #122 W5KFT : B 74 STx should be B 76 STx
W6TKV: K5KFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
KE1IH: W5ZFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
N3FA: QSO #14 W5KFT : B 72 STx should be B 76 STx
W9HLY: W5FKT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
K6AA: QSO #170: Received QSO# 1423 should be 1464 W5KFT
AD8J: QSO #65 W5KFT : B 75 STx should be B 76 STx
AD6G: QSO #82 W5KFT : B 73 STx should be B 76 STx
WA6RYA: W5QFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
WA0BWE: QSO #64 W5KFT : B 73 STx should be B 76 STx
WK2S: K5KFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
W1CTN: QSO #133 W5KFT : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
K0RI: K5KFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
WB4TOP: QSO #29 W5KFT : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
W4ATC: QSO #40 W5KFT : A 76 STx should be B 76 STx
K8AAX: QSO #73 W5KFT : B 72 STx should be B 76 STx
KA1VMG: W5KFK is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
VA3TPV: QSO #58: Received QSO# 130 should be 1300 W5KFT
KC8MPQ: QSO #104: Received QSO# 9999 should be 1739 W5KFT
W6UDX: QSO #14: Received QSO# 9999 should be 1402 W5KFT
KE6NCX: K5KFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
N2HTT: QSO #28 W5KFT : B 67 STx should be B 76 STx
WG9L: K5KFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
K2BL: KN5KFT is a busted call.  The correct call is W5KFT.
KB0YMH: QSO #8: Received QSO# 543 should be 443 W5KFT

Number busts found in other logs = 50 (2.3%)