Prompted by "complaints" filed by ARRL Hudson Division Director Liscenco, N2YBB, with the Ethics and Elections Committee, the ARRL Board has conducted two trials of Southwestern Division Director Dick Norton, N6AA, concerning alleged violations of the "ARRL Director's Code of Conduct." This section documents some claims made after-the-fact by Board members about the nature of the censure, and provides responses. Members are encouraged to evaluate the details of the claims, and react accordingly. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF NORTON POSITION I have been elected by the membership of the Southwestern Division to represent their interests and, in my view, also the interests of Amateur Radio. The allegation that I "publicly criticized the ARRL Code of Conduct for Board members at a public Amateur Radio gathering" is factually untrue, as confirmed by letters that four prominent ARRL Life Members sent the Board after attending the meeting, and after the censure action, by tens of others who were at the meeting. A few Board members have made the interesting claim that the defamatory statement, made against me on both the web-site and in QST, was knowingly untrue and that the censure was made for other reasons. The alleged reasons are vague and zero documentation of the charges is provided. Documentation of a level sufficient to establish the veracity of my denial of the charges is presented. REFERENCES Carlson Web-page Claiming Mistreatment of ARRL Staff http://w9xa.us/Norton.htmlPace Web-page Alleging Personal Attacks https://www.k7cexcom.com/hamradioasiseeit.htmlResponse to "Mistreatment of Staff" Claim Norton ResponseResponse to "Personal Attacks" Claim Norton ResponseClaim That 75% of the Board Can't be Wrong http://www.academia.edu/31094500/The_Space_Shuttle_Challenger_disaster_A_classic_example_of_GroupthinkQUESTIONS FOR MEMBER CONSIDERATION