Prompted by "complaints" filed by ARRL Hudson Division Director Liscenco, N2YBB, with the Ethics and Elections Committee, the ARRL Board has conducted two trials of Southwestern Division Director Dick Norton, N6AA, concerning alleged violations of the "ARRL Director's Code of Conduct." This summary documents the issues covered by the second trial, held by Internet-telephone conference on November 14, 2017. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF NORTON POSITION I have been elected by the membership of the Southwestern Division to represent their interests and, in my view, also the interests of Amateur Radio. The allegation that I "publicly criticized the ARRL Code of Conduct for Board members at a public Amateur Radio gathering" is factually untrue, as confirmed by letters that four prominent ARRL Life Members sent the Board after attending the meeting, and after the censure action, by tens of others who were at the meeting. Members might view the referenced correspondence to see if there is evidence that the enactment of the "Code-of-Conduct," and its application in this case, might be viewed as one of a number of steps taken by the present majority ARRL political party to purge the Board of members of the minority party. REFERENCES Text of Censure Motion, adopted at Internet-telephone trial on November 14, 2017 Norton Censure Motion - November 14, 2017
Initial written charge against Norton - "Recommendation of E&E Committee" Recommendation of the E&E Committee to the ARRL Board of Directors
Norton response to "Recommendation of E&E Committee" Norton Response to "Recommendation of E&E Committee"
Norton early description (April 28, 2017) of 2017 Visalia ARRL Forum, added as an additional description of what happened Re: Details of ARRL Board Adoption of Code of Conduct
Call for Special Meeting of the Board by Lisenco and Norris Lisenco memo claiming legal activity inquiry warrants need to "clean house" Letter from Commissioner Mark Weiss, K6FG, describing ARRL Forum Letter from Former WPA Section Manager, Tim Duffy, K3LR, describing ARRL Forum To the Officers and Directors of the ARRL
There were two other letters received by the Board from ARRL-related individuals that also described the ARRL Forum. ARRL Forum at Visalia - Visalia ARRL Forum and Code of Conduct
Correspondence from Lisenco (replete with false representations) suggesting revocation of Norton ARRL (Charter Life) membership, as prelude to removal from office by Board My Thoughts on the Current State of the Toxic Working Environment Permeating the Board
Correspondence from Pace calling for removal from office Correspondence from Norris (with false implicit allegation of "hauling staff in for a grilling,") calling for removal from office Re: My Thoughts on the Current State of the Toxic Working Environment Permeating the Board
Initial Carlson Motion, with "expelling member for good cause" paragraph and false claim of "threats of litigation" Motion 11/14/17 11:15 PM Eastern
The ARRL President conducted the trial by internet and telephone, even after being advised that such action violated ARRL By-Law 29, use of Robert's Rules of Order. ARRL By-Law 29 and Relevant Part of Robert's Rules of Order
During the trial, it was brought up that Connecticut law states that directors can be removed only by the subset of membership that elected them. This prompted a change in the motion to the motion that passed, which is the first Reference item in this section. 2016 Connecticut Corporations Law on Removal of Directors
After announcement of the censure, tens of additional Visalia Forum participants corroborated the claim that the charge was false, and zero additional participants supported the claims. MEMBER REACTION Correspondence was received directly from, or through radio clubs, thousands of Amateurs condemning the Board's action. Financial contributions to the League were stopped, and a good number of members removed the League from their wills. A substantial number of members wrote to the Board, most suggesting that the censure be rescinded. No action has been taken by the Board. The reactions by many of the members and clubs can be seen at myarrlvoice.org QUESTIONS FOR MEMBER CONSIDERATION